What started out as a small project just to pass the time has turned into a venture into the unknown. Those of you who have left After effects to collect dust in your hard drive may like to know that it really is worth looking at.
The original plan was to recreate an old flash I did some years ago called Euthansia, simple back and forth dialog I got into this and I feel asleep with boredom at what I had created. I enjoyed the dialog but theres very little you can do in the way of camera work in flash (But if you want to stick with flash take a look at vcam) Its then i thought id try and used after effects.
The best thing about this program is that you can import swf files directly into it and adjust them in 3d space almost everything in the video below has been drawn in flash and placed in after effects and even after youtube has compressed it to shit and i had placed a few filters and effects to get that camcorder feel it still looks good.
If you were bothered enough to read all that tell me what you think.
By the way this is just a test/intro segment witch is far from done.
/* */
woah ,your definitely onto something here...
looks brilliant..